Open Studio for Silver Peak Studio Students
Love metalsmithing but don't have the option to have a fully-equipped home studio? We offer two options for open studio for those that have taken a class at Silver Peak Studio:
- Monthly community open studio: 3 hrs, 1x/mo: FREE (note: this is independent open studio and you are required to be able to work on your own). Click on image below for more information.
- Assisted open studio: 3 hrs for $50, choose from a daytime or evening option. An instructor will be available to answer questions and troubleshoot your project. Please note: this is not private instruction for you to learn new techniques. Click on either image below to register. Select from the following:
For either option, you must bring all your materials and consumables (i.e. metal, solder, saw blades, etc.), or purchase use of our consumables for an additional $15 (cash or Venmo, due at beginning of class). You will have access to a student bench, hand tools (hammers, pliers, files), flex shaft (bring your own attachments), torch, pickle, guillotine shear, rolling mill, vise, ring and bracelet mandrels.